Этот современный кондоминиум с неповторимым стилем пленяет с первой секунды свой уютной атмосферой и ощущением абсолютной безмятежности. Вдохновляясь окружающим экзотическим пейзажем, наша команда архитекторов смогла создать простое, но при этом ни на что не похожее здание со своим собственным уникальным характером.
Стиль Palmetto – это традиционные формы азиатской архитектуры, утопающие в зелени и буйстве натуральных красок. При разработке проекта дизайнеры вдохновлялись идеей жизни в оазисе. Смелые дизайнерские решения позволили создать теплую и умиротворенную атмосферу, схожую с той, что ощущаешь на лоне природы.
Виллы «Пятого элемента» - это непревзойденный комфорт и уединение в тщательно продуманной уютной и атмосферной обстановке. Эксклюзивный проект класса люкс располагаются на лоне прекрасной и безмятежной природы: здесь есть озера и деревья, атмосфера роскоши и спокойствия, закрытый торговый центр для покупок, посещения ресторанов и развлечений, изысканные спа-салоны и процедуры, близлежащий пляж Банг-Тао известен своей люксовой инфраструктурой и природной чистотой.
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Can foreigners buy (own) a property in Thailand?
Foreigners can:
— buy a fully owned apartment (condominium) (Freehold);
— apply for a long-term land lease (Leasehold);
— own a building built on leased land.
There are restrictions for other types of real estate, but in such cases it is possible to register property through a Thai company.
What is the difference between Leasehold and Freehold ownership?
Freehold — full ownership of real estate without time limits. The owner has the right to sell, rent or inherit the property.
Leasehold — this is a long-term lease for a period of 30 years with the right to renew 2 times for 30 years, that is, the entire leasehold right can be retained for up to 90 years. Leasehold can be sold, leased, or inherited.
Which type of ownership to choose?
The choice of ownership depends on the purpose of buying the property:
Leasehold (long-term lease) — suitable for those who consider the property as an investment with the possibility of further resale. This form of ownership simplifies the sales process and reduces tax costs.
Freehold (full ownership) is suitable for those who are planning long-term ownership of a property or want maximum legal protection for their rights. Freehold is often chosen for personal residence or long-term investment.
We can also help you register full ownership if you want to buy land.
Which documents do I need to buy property in Thailand?
On the primary market:
1. Passport.
2. Reservation agreement.
3. Purchase and sale contract.
4. A document (receipt) received from the developer confirming the transfer of funds from abroad.
On the secondary market:
1. Passport.
2. Purchase agreement.
3. Title deed (Chanot).
4. Certificate of payment of all taxes and fees related to real estate.
Do I need legal counsel to invest in property?
Yes, checking legal purity is one of the main stages in making a deal. The company's legal department protects the interests of our clients, conducts a full legal review of all developer documents and checks the contract for compliance with Thai legislation.
Can I buy a property through power of attorney?
Yes, the deal can be made by proxy. To do this, the power of attorney must be certified by a lawyer or notary. This is convenient if you cannot personally attend the registration of the transaction at the Land Department.
Which documents do I get after buying the property?
The buyer gets a number of documents, including:
— purchase agreement;
— proof of ownership;
— tax and registration receipts;
— certificate of conformity for new buildings.
These documents confirm the legality of the transaction and the rights of the new owner.